Blue Haven Illawarra | Fees Explained
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Fees and Pricing

Residential Aged Care Fees

Information on fees and services

The Department of Human Services determine what you contribute towards your care and accommodation, based on your income, assets and ability to pay. These fees and charges fall into two categories: daily care fees and accommodation payments.


Care fees and accommodation payments are briefly outlined below. Further information can be found on the My Aged Care Website.




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Base Daily Care Fee

All residents in aged care are required to pay a basic daily care fee as a contribution towards care and living expenses.


$61.96 per day

(from 20 March 2024 to 19 September 2024)

The basic daily fee is set at 85% of the single-person rate of the basic Age Pension.


Means Tested Care Fees

This is an additional contribution towards the cost of care that some residents may be required to pay. The Department of Human Services will work out if you are required to pay this fee based on an assessment of your assets, your Centrelink assessable income, and the level of personal support and care that you need, and will advise you of the amount. See the full Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care on the Department of Health website. The current rates for all Australian Government Aged Care Subsidies and Supplements are also available.

There are annual caps ($33,309.29) and lifetime caps ($79,942.44) that apply to the means-tested care fee. Once these caps are reached, you cannot be asked to pay any more means-tested care fees. Any income-tested care fees you have paid in a Home Care Package before moving into an aged care home will also contribute to your annual and lifetime caps.

Moving In Application Form

A means tested care fee calculator is available for prospective residents to use on the My Aged Care website.

Fee Calculator


Accommodation Fees

Blue Haven Residential Aged Care Home aims to provide you with the highest possible quality of care, regardless of your financial circumstances. The Department of Human Services determines what you may be asked to contribute towards your care and accommodation. This is based on your income, assets and ability to pay. Not everyone is in a position to be able to contribute to their accommodation and Blue Haven respects everyone’s right to access aged care, as assessed by Centrelink.



    starting price of rooms



    starting price of shared rooms


Accommodation Payments

Some residents will have their accommodation payment met in full or part by the Australian Government. Others will need to pay the full accommodation price set by Blue Haven Aged Care. The Department of Human Services will advise which applies to you based on an assessment of your income and assets.

Residents have 28 days from the date of admission to elect which payment method best suits their financial circumstances. Until the method of payment is chosen, residents are required to pay the DAP equivalent.

The amount you will be asked to pay will depend upon the type of accommodation and will be determined before your admission into care. Please see below for the Key Feature Statements for the various accommodation types available at Blue Haven Residential Care Home and the associated costs.

  1. RAD

    The RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) is a lump sum payment that will be refunded when a resident leaves Blue Haven.

  2. DAP

    The DAP (Daily Accommodation Payment) is a rental-style daily payment calculated using a government interest rate (currently 8.36%) and the following formula: (RAD x interest rate) divided by 365 days.

  3. RAD + DAP Combination

    Residents can also choose to pay a partial lump-sum RAD (amount determined by the resident) and use a rental-style DAP to make up the difference. Residents can deduct the DAP from the RAD. E.g. The accommodation price is $550,000. Of this, $150,000 is paid as a RAD, and the remaining $400,000 is paid as a DAP of $91.62(formula: $400,000 x 8.36% divided by 365 days = $91.62)

Changes to Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) from July 2024

The MPIR applicable to ‘refund periods’ has increased to 8.36% for the period of 1st July 2024 to 30 September 2024 for:

  • Refundable deposit balances and accommodation bond balances
  • Accommodation prices

The Base Interest Rate remains unchanged at 2.25%.

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