Specialist Dementia Support
Dementia Care
at Bonaira

Integrated, Individual Care
Blue Haven Bonaira recognises the importance of dedicated care for residents with later stage dementia – but also the vital role that being connected to a community plays. We accommodate residents with early dementia across all households, while two dedicated households are suited to later stages. Memory boxes signpost each room, providing happy personalised associations for all residents.

Quality Peace of Mind
Cedar and Palm households provide specialist support for up to 31 residents living with dementia. These secure households are designed like the others, with their own open plan living and dining spaces, but are also tailored to create an environment better suited to residents’ specific needs. Most importantly, Cedar and Palm are part of the same village structure – with easy access to communal amenities including the chapel, salon and indoor garden.
Our Dementia Care operates within the Blue Haven Bonaira Home village environment.

Blue Haven Bonaira Home arrow_forward
Explore the features and amenities on offer to residents and visitors.

Connections for Life
Residents of Blue Haven dementia homes are finding comfort and connection through tailor-made, sensory activity scarves and memory boxes as part of ‘Connections for Life with Dementia’ a University of Wollongong (UOW) Global Challenges’ project.
The work being encouraged by Louisa and her team at UOW are in line with our person-centred household model of care at Blue Haven Bonaira. It aims to understand, support, and enhance social connections and quality of life for people with dementia in various care and community settings.
To find out more about this project please visit: http://www.uow.info/connections or contact Dr Louisa Smith louisas@uow.edu.au

“People with dementia often find moving difficult and become unsettled by changes in their environment but the scarves will provide familiarity and comfort.”
Dr Louisa Smith